

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

To Help Heartburn You Need to Do This - Acid Reflux Remedy Advice

To help heartburn you will often find experts saying 2 different things... strengthen your damaged lower esophageal sphincter and eat a proper diet to get more acid in your stomach. But how do you go about doing both of these things?

In this article about acid reflux remedy advice, you will learn how to cure your heartburn and acid reflux with a new diet and simple lifestyle tips.

Health Today

Why Natural Remedies Work?

To Help Heartburn You Need to Do This - Acid Reflux Remedy Advice

Acid reflux is usually caused by a damaged or weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES is the muscle flap that sits on top of the stomach. After years of poor dieting, the sphincter will begin to become weaker and weaker. If not strengthened with a healthier diet, suffering from acid reflux is inevitable.

The second reason why heartburn is common is poor dieting. Poor dieting leaves the stomach without enough stomach acids to digest the food properly. However, proper dieting can give the stomach enough enzymes to leave the food and stomach acid inside the stomach.

Here are some simple tips you can start today to begin your home treatment.

Acid Reflux Remedy Advice

1. Eat softer foods for 2 days to help your LES repair. Hard and crunchy foods tend to scrape the sphincter.

2. Avoid spicy and acidic foods for 2 days like alcohol and coffee.

3. Stop smoking because the chemicals in cigarettes damage the LES further.

4. Drink water after every meal and snack.

5. Swallow 1-2 teaspoons of raw liquid honey when heartburn symptoms begin.

6. Chew your food longer to aid digestion process.

7. Supplementing aloe vera juice will speed up the repair of LES. You can find this at any health food store.

8. Eating a red apple will help whenever you feel an attack coming on.

To Help Heartburn You Need to Do This - Acid Reflux Remedy Advice

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Health Insurance Lifetime Maximum

The Health Insurance Lifetime Maximum of your plan is the total amount of money the insurance company will pay for the entire time you have coverage under that plan. Once you reach that amount, your plan will not pay for any more of your medical expenses.

What Are The Limits?

Health Today

The maximum amount that the insurance company will pay varies from policy to policy, with the typical amount being between 1 million and 5 million dollars. There are some polices though, that only contribute a total of less than 1 million dollars over the lifetime of the policy.

Health Insurance Lifetime Maximum

On a brighter note, although not as common, there are policies that have an unlimited lifetime maximum.

Why Are There Limits?

Insurance companies set these limits to keep their total possible liability for a health insurance plan as low as possible.

Keeping these limits lower also keeps the premium rates lower. All of the guidelines of the plan, including the lifetime cap come into play when insurance companies set the cost of the insurance plan. A plan richer in benefits is going to cost more.

For instance, a health insurance plan with a high deductible and a low lifetime cap will cost less than a plan with a low deductible and unlimited lifetime benefits.

Similarly, when the annual deductibles of two plans are the same, the plan with a higher lifetime maximum will cost you more.

Should You Be Concerned?

You and your family members may be in perfect health and can never foresee that any one of you could possibly incur medical bills as high as one to five million dollars. And quite frankly, I hope you never do!

But, with the rising costs of medical treatment for conditions such as open heart surgery, cancer, organ transplants and chronic illnesses, it isn't that difficult to reach those amounts in a short amount of time.

If you want to be sure to be covered for all medical expenses for the duration of your coverage under that policy, look for one with a higher lifetime limit or one with no limit. To lessen the cost of these plans, consider accepting a higher annual deductible.

P.S. Consider this ~ A coverage cap of million in the 1970s would have had to grow to more than million today to keep pace with inflations and costs.

Health Insurance Lifetime Maximum

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Common Health and Safety Hazards in Factories

Just like elsewhere in the western world, In the UK as well the government has prescribed some safety regulations that have to be adhered to by any workplace. Protection against health and safety hazards may even extend to the families of people employed in hazardous occupations. In the European Union, member countries have enforced authorities to ensure that the legal basics related to occupational health and safety hazards is followed in any case.

Hazard is something that can cause harm if not controlled. A risk is the probability of the outcome which will occur if harm occurs. The outcome can be defined as the result of an uncontrolled hazard. Risk analysis is conducted to identify hazards, evaluate the risk, and identify and prioritize the required actions.

Health Today

Workplace safety hazards are normally grouped into environmental hazards, environmental agents, physical agents, physical hazards, chemical agents, and biological hazards. Environmental hazards normally include asphyxiation and dehydration. Environmental agents include heat and cold stress. Physical hazards include collision, tripping, falling, and electricity. Physical agents include noise, vibration, and lighting.

Common Health and Safety Hazards in Factories

Other hazards are mechanical hazards, biological hazards, and chemical agents. Depending on the type of work that is done in a factory, safety precautions have to be employed. Office workers can be affected by a flu spread by a co-worker, and a factory worker can receive serious injury because of an accident. Common health and safety hazards can be avoided by taking necessary precautions. But, even with all necessary precautions accidents do occur.

To minimize safety hazards, workers are issued safety goggles, helmets, gloves, safety shoes, and coveralls. For avoiding health hazards, a virus free and well ventilated environment is provided. Clean drinking water, clean and safe kitchen and eating areas are maintained. Some factories require medical checkups of the employees on regular basis.

There are some basic health and safety rules that all factory owners are bound to follow. There are special rules for factories that use hazardous material. These include installation of safety showers and eye wash stands. Special safety clothes may also be required by law to be provided to the employees.

The common safety and health laws that factories in the UK have to follow can be found in the local factory laws. They may differ slightly depending on the local county laws. Health laws cover providing a well ventilated, clean, and dust free environment. Safety laws require wearing of proper safety equipment as required by the type of job being performed. If it is a factory where there is a probability of falling objects striking someone, then safety helmets must be worn. If the floors are wet or slippery, proper safety shoes must be worn.

The basic rules are very general in nature as they encompass the entire business spectrum. But there are further classifications that are factory dependent. If the factory handles harmful chemicals, then the safety laws are going to be different from a factory that does packaging. One single rule cannot cover all factories' safety and health regulations. In most cases, the rules regarding safety and health can also be quite vague.

Common Health and Safety Hazards in Factories

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Effects of Junk Food on Health

The phrase "junk food" itself speaks of endangerment to health. Junk foods are deemed to be trash foods as they are high in fat and sugar components regardless of how they are labeled by manufacturers. The apparent effect of junk food on health administers when there is excess in intake. Teenagers comprise the higher bulk of junk food fanatics and they seem to be unhealthy with such a lifestyle of munching in chips, fries, crackers and other snack foods in front of the television. Majority of junk food choices do not deliver beneficial nutritional values, but you could actually integrate a few junk foods in your diet with an assurance that it is of moderate amount.

Regardless of age, the effect of junk food on health settles as bad as it could be especially when you eat too much of some. You will end up easily getting exhausted by being a junk food fanatic. Because it doesn't balance the appropriate levels of energy you ought to consume, you have tendencies of craving for more food when you eat junk foods. Also, you can be less focused with anything you undertake at work and home because what you are acquiring from junk foods are mere fats, not healthy ingredients. Also, you will experience lack of important oxygen that eventually result to poor brain functioning.

Health Today

In the long run, your heart cannot function as it should because of too much cholesterol absorbed in the body as an effect of junk food on health. If there's too much plaque in the arteries, your heart has to assert more effort in pumping blood which may cause you to be in fatigue. The excess amount of cholesterol in your body can destroy the liver as well, leaving you overweight at the same time. Most of obese kids have acquired their overweight dilemma because of too much junk food intake. Most of those who are junk food eaters are likely to get diabetic at any point in their life because of high presence of sugar in the body. High blood pressure due to great amount of sodium from junk foods can also occur.

Effects of Junk Food on Health

As they always say it, whatever is avoided comes so tasty. Ice cream, chocolate, junk foods, fries, burgers, potato chips and shakes are all tempting. You can perhaps be disciplined in indulging in these types of food because they are initially unhealthy to have. Too much of anything sweet or salty is health threatening. Not only will you have a bad effect of junk food on health, you will also largely embrace mood swings, decreased enthusiasm to handle workouts, weight gain and constipation problems if you eat junk foods unstoppably. In lieu of them, you can pick fruits and high-fiber food for good snacks and meals.

Effects of Junk Food on Health

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Men's Health - Penis Hardness Factor Self Test

Want a better body, better sex and better overall health? Do your self " Penis hardness" test! Your penis is your barometer to your health. When your erection is hard steel, a rock hard - your life is good. The harder your erection, the healthier you are.

The researchers have made some important facts and links between your sexual activities with your health. If your blood vessels are elastic and healthy, your heart and brain will function well and have not difficulty in releasing nitric oxide thus your penis will hard like rock. Once you understand that your erection and health are connected, you shall start to take care of yourself.

Health Today

Your penis erection is an early warning sign like the canary birds in coal mine that warn the unseen danger. When atherosclerosis develops, it starts to clog up in your tiny vessels found in your penis long before it shows up in coronary arteries of the heart and other blood vessels in your body. This is a serious warning and indicator of cardiovascular problem that may be developing.

Men's Health - Penis Hardness Factor Self Test

To determine your potential of heart and prevent erection problem, Steven Lamm, M.D. with Gerald Secor Couzens, advise these Penis Hardness factor Seft-Test in 3 steps.

Step 1# Nutrition Test - What you eat impacts how well you perform in bed.

What you shall do in this sexual nutrition test are :

1. Cut back on portion size. Eat 10% less each meals or about 500 calories a day ( 3 days in a row ).

2. Reduce fatty foods and top saturated fat like egg yolks, butter, cream, fatty red meats, and coconut oils.

3. Eat nine serving of fruits and vegetables each day to lower your cholesterol level.
4. Drink black or green tea

5. Eat Spicy food

Step 2# Sexual Supplements

Take these supplement :

1. Phycnogenol to enhance blood flow to heart and penis

2. L-arginine to increase nitric oxide production which means better blood flow to your body and specially to your penis

3. Take 3 grams of fish-oil for vascular support and protection.

4. OPCs ( Oligomeric proanthocyanidins ) to enhance the activity of vitamin C and E for improved blood flow

5. Horny goat weed

Step 3# Sexual Fitness

The best way to enhance your erection hardness, whet sexual appetite, boost self-esteem, and increase sexual activity is through regular physical activity. Below are exercises you could do to increase your physical fitness especially muscle involved in your love making activities.

1. Add more 5,000 steps to your daily hoofing

2. Add pushups, ab curls, and squats which strengthen your shoulder, chest, buttock and legs which are needed in your love making

3. Do cobra yoga move to relax your lower back, abdomen, hip and neck

4. Do stretching everyday

5. Do lunge

When you complete this program, you will certainly feel different. You will achieve measurable changes in flexibility, strength, and hardness. Hardness is a lifestyle, not 96 hours' worth of quick changes. The idea is to feel good about yourself emotionally and physically always. It's a lifestyle decision.

Adapted from The Hardness Factor: How to Achieve Your Best Health and Sexual Fitness at Any Age, by Steven Lamm, M.D., with Gerald Secor Couzens, (c) 2005 HarperCollins.

Men's Health - Penis Hardness Factor Self Test

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Prostate Milking - Health Danger or the Ultimate Male Orgasm?

Looking to increase your male orgasm intensity by 400% and have it last up to 5 minutes? If so, then prostate milking may be for you.

Prostate milking has literally "exploded" into mainstream culture in the last few years as men are discovering the pleasure of finding out about their "male g-spot" and the potential health benefits from a prostate milking.

Health Today

The prostate is a tiny gland found in men and is a critical part of their reproductive system. It is about the size of a walnut and is located underneath the bladder and just in front of the rectum. Its function is to assist in the manu­facture of semen. Semen is the milky colored fluid that transports sperm from the testicles through your penis when you ejaculate.

Prostate Milking - Health Danger or the Ultimate Male Orgasm?

While the prostate's primary function is to help in the manufacturing of semen, it is also becoming known as a sexual gland for men. Typically we associate the penis as the only male sex organ but for many men the prostate is their key to sexual satisfaction. Not surprising, the prostate is quickly becoming know as the "male g-spot". Men of all ages, races and sexual orientations are now learning about the sexual and health benefits associated with prostate milking.

Milking of the prostate gland is generally safe for all healthy males, however serious health dangers can result in men with certain prostate and health conditions or even in men with healthy prostates if the prostate milking is performed incorrectly.

This procedure be carried out by your doctor or medical practitioner as an effective treatment for chronic prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This procedure can help to drain the highly painful build up of seminal fluid in men with a chronically inflamed prostate. While beneficial for some individuals,prostate milking it is NOT advisable for men with acute prostatitis as a prostate milking may for allow the prostate infection to spread to other parts of the body.

Other possible serious health dangers from male milking could be Fournier's gangrene, blood poisoning,the transfer of prostate cancer to other parts of the body or hemorrhoidal flare up.

One of the most important area's of concern in doing a prostate massage yourself is to apply a minimum amount of pressure. The maximum amount of pressure you should apply would be equal to the amount of pressure you would rub your eye with. Applying to much pressure during the milking could lead to some of the above mentioned health dangers.

If the prostate is full of fluid and stimulated through this experience it may cause you to ejaculate but with out the penis being aroused. These prostate orgasms are generally much more intense and of considerably longer duration than a conventional ejaculation.

If you have any concerns about this type of activity make sure to consult your physician or medical practitioner before proceeding.

Prostate Milking - Health Danger or the Ultimate Male Orgasm?

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