

Friday, September 16, 2011

Universal Health Care - Ethical issues in health reform

The universal health care, seems to be a much debated topic, if health care reform is under discussion in the United States.

Those who believe that health is an individual responsibility to maintain a system that does not contribute tax money to citizens who do not behave responsibly to protect or promote their own health needs support. They say they want the freedom to choose their own doctors and treatments, and suggest that the government does not know whatbest for them. These people argue that preserving the current system with improvements for better insurance protection for citizens who are uninsured or under insured to provide for their medical care needs to continue is the only reform that is needed.

Health Today

Those that health care is an individual right to support universal health care, arguing that every citizen deserves access to appropriate care at the right time and are convinced that the responsibility of government is to protect itsCitizens, sometimes even from themselves.

Two counter-arguments that are made up of two opposing ideologies. Both are good arguments, but neither the support of its argument for the implementation or rejection of universal health care. The question must be answered by an ethical framework.

Require the examination of ethical issues in health care reform would look very different from the arguments already presented. Ethical issues may be atmoral rights. Discussion would not at first: "What is best for me?" but "How should we act as a society, so that our actions are morally right?"

Ethics is concerned with the determination of right and wrong, how people feel independent. Ethical decision making for health care reform would be people who do not act in the light of our relations to each other our interests.

The survey of some of the common ethical decisionmaking theories can provide a basis for a perspective different from that which focuses exclusively on individual rights and freedoms.

Ethical decision making requires that certain questions are answered, in deciding whether the proposed actions are good or morally correct. Here are some questions that could be used in ethical decision-making for health care reform.

What measures does the most good, most people? What measures, in and of itselfis a good deed and help us meet our responsibilities, obligations and responsibilities to each other? What measures, in itself demonstrates the care and concern for all citizens?

In response to these questions, the general health care to do the right thing, be taken into account.

The United States is in the best position it has when it comes to health reform. They are the only industrialized countries without a national health system in force for allCitizens. You can from the mistakes of other countries that have already gone to get universal health care. You have the possibility of a system that shine like a jewel in the crown of health systems around the world of universal design.

However, all ethical decisions are structured around values. To be accepted for universal health care for all citizens in the United States, it shall first beaccept the collective value of justice and fairness, and embrace the goal of fulfilling their collective responsibility for each other, maintaining the rights and individual freedoms. This could be the most difficult obstacle of all.

Universal Health Care - Ethical issues in health reform

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